Staffing and Recruitment

We want all staff in Saffron Academy Trust to do an exceptional job so that they can help to give our children and young people a great education. We understand that if staff enjoy going to work, feel valued, know they are listened to and have their talents nurtured they will perform at their best. Staff at SAT want to put in discretionary effort because they love their job.

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Enjoy Work!   Be Valued!  Feel Listened to!  Talent Nurtured!

Watch the video and learn more about what it's like working for Saffron Academy Trust.

In order to have excellent, motivated staff we are mindful about their health and welfare, their workload and the simple need for a job to be fun to do. Our experience is that because we look after our staff they often stay and develop their careers with us. We aim to attract the very best people and to keep their talents we work hard to build loyalty. There are 4 strands to doing this:

  1. Through leading the culture and climate
  2. Through talent development
  3. Through effective behaviour management
  4. Through creating manageable workloads and well-being approaches

Leading the Culture and Climate

Our leaders understand and radiate the positive values of SAT in every interaction with staff and students.  Their leadership is visible and models what they expect from all staff.

Talent Development

Right through SAT we prioritise the development of our colleagues and take pride in their growth. We have a Staff Charter and leadership pathways, we give staff appraisal the time and attention it deserves, we create time for line-management and mentoring and offer coaching. Saffron Teaching School Hub delivers the Early Careers Framework and a suite of National Professional Qualifications (NPQs).

Behaviour Management

SAT schools have strong and consistent student behaviour management systems so that all staff can focus on the job they were trained to do.

Workload and Wellbeing

Our initiatives are mindful of workload and every reasonable attempt is made to reduce unnecessary bureaucracy, activity that has no proven impact and that which does not relate to the core business of education. Facilities to support staff wellbeing, such as counselling referral or coaching, are made available.

Staff Charter

Please click on the link below to the Saffron Academy Trust Staff Charter to find out more about working at one of the Trust’s schools.