Katherine Semar infant and junior school

Katherine Semar Infant and Junior School joined Saffron Academy Trust in December 2014 as the two founder primary schools. We provide education for children from 4-11 years old. We also have an onsite childcare facility (ACE club and Meadows nursery school) which provides wraparound care from 7.45 to 6.00pm for children aged 2-11 years old. The nursery and Ace children’s club run in the holidays as well as term time. 

A very important feature of the primary provision for our trust is the INSPIRE curriculum which was written by our staff for local children. It has an emphasis on making sure children develop learning skills that will make them lifelong learners. 

Another feature of primary provision in our trust is out of school learning. School visits related to our topics will be central to the education of our children. In their first year of school children visit the London Aquarium and throughout their time with us they benefit from and have first-hand experience of a wide range of exciting activities and trips. We believe that learning should not be limited to the confines of the four walls of the classroom. We are proud to be a school which is continually evolving, providing a rich, inclusive and creative learning experience for all.’

Julie Puxley

Executive Headteacher